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About Us



The name of the Society ('the Society') shall be 'Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain'.


(i) To promote professional and social contact amongst members of the Society;

(ii) To provide an opportunity for members to meet and discuss social and professional matters especially in connection with the maritime industry;

(iii) To maintain and improve the status of the engineering profession and to afford suitable facilities to members to improve their know ledge of their profession especially in the field of the maritime industry;

(iv) To organise and promote social, cultural and intellectual events.


All persons who meet the criteria hereunder, with only exception as stipulated in Clause 4 may qualify for membership:

(i) are of Hellenic heritage

(ii) are resident in the United Kingdom

(iii) have formal engineering training (either as a graduate or certified sea-going engineer) or who in exceptional circumstances merit the Governing Committee’s approval of membership status as a result of their practical experience:


Membership shall be divided into four categories:

(i) Founding Members: Persons who worked towards the goal of forming the Society shall be named Founding Members in recognition of their endeavour. Founding Members, shall enjoy the same rights as other Members and all qualifying Members registered as at 31st October 1995 shall be considered as Founding Members.

(ii) Full Members: Persons who fulfil the criteria stated in Clause (3) and are elected according to the rules of the Society.

(iii) Associate Members: Persons who do not fulfil one or more of the criteria stated in Clause (3), but who nevertheless wish to partake in the Society’s activities.

(iv) Honorary Members: Honorary Members shall be elected by a majority decision of the Governing Committee of the Society on the grounds of outstanding contribution to the Society. They shall be exempt from requirements of annual subscription and enjoy all privileges of membership.


(i) Application for membership must be submitted to the Governing Committee of the Society and every candidate for membership shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member. Members p r o p o s i n g and seconding shall themselves be members of the Society for a minimum of 3 months. Applications must be presented on the Society’s standard application form.

(ii) Members of the Society with the exception of “Honorary Members” shall pay an Annual Subscription in advance for each year of membership in such amount and at such time as shall be determined by the Governing Committee from time to time.



A member desiring to withdraw from the Society must give notice in writing to the

Secretary, and this shall be received on or before the 31st day of October in any year

otherwise the subscription for the ensuing calendar year shall be payable.


The Governing Committee shall have the power to expel any member who shall offend against the rules of the Society or whose conduct shall in the opinion of the Governing Committee render him unfit for membership of the Society. Before any such member is expelled the Secretary shall give him/her twenty one (21) days written notice to attend a meeting of the Governing Committee and shall inform him of the complaints made against him/her. No member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity of appearing before the Governing Committee and answering the complaints made against them nor unless at least a simple majority of the Governing committee then present vote in favour of their expulsion. No member whose membership has been terminated under this rule or who owes money to the Society shall be introduced by any other member as a visitor to any function of the Society.



(i) The affairs of the Society shall be administered by the Governing Committee. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Governing Committee shall have full power and authority to do all acts and things necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Society, including setting of annual subscription.

(ii) The Governing Committee shall consist of a President, Deputy President, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer (the “Officers”) and a minimum of six (6) / maximum of nine (9) other Members. It is at the discretion of the Governing Committee to appoint a second Deputy President and Deputy Secretary if it deems so necessary.

(iii) The Governing Committee shall meet and otherwise regulate its meetings as it may see fit and seven (7) members of the Governing Committee shall form a quorum. Members are considered as participants of such a meeting, either when physically or electronically present or represented by proxy.

(iv) The decisions of the Governing Committee shall be on a simple majority basis and in the case of equality of votes the President shall have the deciding vote. In a case of equality of votes and absence of the President, the presiding deputy President shall have this deciding vote.

(v) Election to the Governing Committee shall be by vote at each second Annual General Meeting of the members of the Society there present who shall have been members for not less than one (1) week previously. The Governing Committee shall retire immediately before the vote at this

Annual General Meeting but the members of the Governing Committee shall be eligible for re- election. The Governing Committee shall vote the appointed “Officers” from its members.

(vi) The Governing Committee shall have the power to appoint a member to fill any occurring vacancy on the Committee. The vacant position will be filled by the next candidate member in order of the number of votes received at the last election and such member will serve for the remaining term of office of the Governing Committee and shall be eligible for re-selection as the remaining Governing Committee members.

(vii) (a) The Governing Committee shall have e the power to speak on behalf of and represent the members of the Society and shall be the official voice of the Society. No individual member of the Society or of the Governing Committee shall seek to represent the view s or opinions of the Society without the prior authority of the Governing Committee save e for matters of detail or record which have already been publicised by the Governing Committee.

(b) No press releases or statements shall be issued on behalf of the Society without the prior approval of the Governing Committee save where this is not both reasonably practicable and the subject matter of such press releases or statements relate to matters of detail or record or already agreed upon for publication or already publicised by the Governing Committee.



The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the first half of each year on a date, at a time and at a place to be determined by the Governing Committee for the following purposes:

(i) to receive from the Governing Committee a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year and an estimate of the receipts and expenditure for the current financial year;

(ii) to elect the members of the Governing Committee (biannually);

(iii) to decide on any resolution which may be submitted to the meeting in the manner provided in the Constitution.



(i) Any member (other than retiring members offering themselves for re-election) desirous of being elected to the Governing Committee shall submit his/her name in writing to the Secretary not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for the election;

(ii) Such member must have been a Society member during the one (1) month immediately preceding the date fixed for the election and must be proposed and seconded by two (2) other members who themselves have been members during the one (1) month immediately preceding the date fixed for this election.



Any member desirous of moving a resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice in writing to the Secretary not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting and the Secretary shall give notice to the members of such intention not less than ten (10) days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.



The Governing Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and shall do so immediately upon the requisition in writing of one-fifth of the total membership of the Society entitled to vote stating the purposes for which the meeting is required.



At all general meetings of the Society the President or in his absence a Deputy President shall take the chair. Every member present shall be entitled to one (1) vote upon every motion and in the case of equality of votes the President or in his absence the presiding Deputy President shall have the deciding vote. The Governing Committee shall be empowered if it thinks fit to make regulations enabling members unable to be present to vote by proxy or in writing. Unless as otherwise provided herein, all m o t i o n s o r resolutions shall be decided upon on a simple majority basis.



The quorum at all general meetings shall be not less than 15 % of the Society’s membership. Members are considered as participants of such a meeting, either when physically or electronically present or represented by proxy.



The financial year of the society shall end on the 31st day of December of each year to

which date the accounts of the Society will be balanced.



Every member shall be empowered to introduce visitors to the Society’s social or educational events subject to such regulations as shall be made from time to time by the Governing Committee and every visitor shall be considered the guest of and be accompanied by the member introducing him provided that no person shall be introduced as a visitor into the Society who shall have been expelled from membership or whose conduct or presence at any function or meeting of the Society shall be considered by the Committee objectionable or prejudicial to the interests of the Society.



Every member shall be responsible for communicating to the Secretary their current

contact details.



These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting provided that any such resolution shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present and voting on such resolution.


Neither the Officers of the Society nor the members of the Governing Committee shall be liable for any loss suffered by the Society as a result of the discharge of their respective duties on its behalf (except where such loss results from their willful neglect or default) and they shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the Society for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in the discharge of their respective e duties.



The Society may be dissolved by a three-quarters majority of members voting at an annual or special general meeting of the Society. If a motion for the dissolution of the Society is to be proposed at an Annual or Special General Meeting the motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the meeting is given. I n the event of the dissolution of the Society any funds available shall be transferred to a charity or charities to be chosen by the Governing Committee.



Members who are in full time education or under twenty five (25) years of age will be

exempt from requirements of annual subscription.


Signed in London February 6th 1996 and amended on: March 9th 2000, May 7th 2009 and June 19th 2014

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